Pompano Beach Restoration Expert - Fire Damage Restoration


Pompano Beach Restoration Expert Pompano Beach, FL 561-257-3332To a fire, destruction is sweet release and oxygen is ecstasy. Fires can take elephantine form under right conditions and have the potential to completely destroy properties, if not controlled. It not only attacks the furniture, curtains, electronics, documents, kitchen appliances, clothes and other valuable possessions, but can also impact the structure and compromise the core foundation of the property. When it comes to troubles that can be caused by fire, smoke inhalation by the inmates even after that fire has been cut out is another potential hazard.

Having resolved thousands of cases where our clients have suffered severe losses due to sudden fire breakout over the past two decades, we at Pompano Beach Restoration Expert understand the situation our clients are in. This is why we act expeditiously on receiving a call on our round the clock helpline number - 561-257-3332.

After a fire, it’s us you hire:

Extinguishing the fire is just half the job done as the task of abating damage and remediating the property is also equally crucial and requires expertise.

We provide the following services to our clients in Pompano Beach, FL area:

  • Damage assessment:

The job of assessing the damage must be left at the hands of experts. You may either try to redeem something that has been damaged to a great extent due to the emotional value attached, or on the contrary, throw away something that can be salvaged; both of which should be refrained from.

  • Burnt item removal:

Keeping burnt items in possession for long is unhealthy for you and your property. It can still be emitting some amount of smoke which impacts the air quality of your property, or the resulting soot on the item might be polluting your home. They must be disposed off safely and immediately.

  • Emergency board-ups:

Doors and windows, especially wooden, burn down quickly, leaving your property vulnerable to theft. Another pitfall could be the smoke escaping and entering other sections of the property which were otherwise safe from fire. This is why the representative from Pompano Beach Restoration Expert will board up all the open doors and windows.

  • Soot removal:

Soot is the black residual matter left behind from the burnt items. This can set on other undamaged items and if not removed on time, damage them beyond repair. This is the reason why thorough cleaning of the remaining items is crucial and we only believe in using the best chemicals and tools for the job so that your valuable possessions are not further damaged during the process.

  • Restoration:

Damage can be curtailed and a lot of costs can be saved if the restoration services you avail in Pompano Beach, FL area are effective, thus, cutting down on the overall expenses incurred due to the blow. Your property can look like its pre-damage state within no time with our professional experts on the job.

  • Clean-up

When we say that we take your property back to its pre-damage state, we mean exactly that! We will not only work on the paint of your wall and restoration of the upholstery, but also ensure that the cleanliness and beauty of your property is restored. We do not leave the job half-done, that’s for sure!

The first step to setting your life back on track post a fire is making a call on 561-257-3332. Call us now and get on with your life!