Pompano Beach Restoration Expert - Water Damage Restoration


Hearing the sound of rain drops falling can be soothing, but if the same rain turns torrential, it can prove to be devastating as it brings other things along, out of which the most terrifying is- floods. Floods can leave a property smashed if the rain water enters the premises and causes damage. Damage is not only caused when water floods in enormous amounts into the property, but by slow water dripping or leaking over time as well. It leads to growth of mold in the adjoining areas and can erode concrete and corners of tiles. Fortunately, Pompano Beach Restoration Expert has practical experience in treating all types of water damage. We have been delivering best in class services to customers in Pompano Beach, FL area for about two decades now.


Regardless of the cause of damage, the extent of damage worsens over time.

Stage 1: Within hours

Any object that comes in contact with water (concrete, wooden furniture, upholstery etc) absorbs some or large amount of water and starts getting impaired. This is the best phase to start with the restoration process as most of the damage can be mitigated.

Stage 2: Within days

By this time, a lot of damage has already occurred. The chances of rescuing your furniture lessen, majority of upholstery is injured beyond control and the concrete has started developing mold and the fungus has already multiplied exponentially.

Stage 3: Within weeks

Water damage can attack the foundation and the core structure of your property in a week’s time. The property becomes inhabitable and it can be hazardous to still occupy it as other than the threat of developing respiratory and fungal infections, there is a possibility of the entire structure collapsing.


Pompano Beach Restoration Expert Pompano Beach, FL 561-257-3332

  • Inform your insurance provider
  • Cut off the electricity supply to prevent any electrical hazards
  • Before help arrives, try to cut off the source of water if possible
  • If feasible, drain water from the affected area
  • Pull up carpeting, rugs and drapes as soon as possible.
  • Salvage your valuables- documents and treasured belongings
  • Relocate wet items expeditiously
  • Put items in ventilated areas to instigate drying
  • Expose area to air to aid drying
  • Report the incident to water damage remediation experts on 561-257-3332


At the very first intimation, the best damage restoration experts from Pompano Beach Restoration Expert set out to reach your location to assist you. After inspecting the property to assess the extent of the destruction, we work towards salvaging everything that can possibly be saved. Correspondingly, we start working on cutting out the supply of water so that no more water enters your premises. Once done, we begin with the remediation task and deploy nothing but the very best equipment at the job as we never compromise on the quality of the service delivered. This is how we have made a mark in the minds of our clients, thriving in the cut-throat competition prevalent in the restoration business arena.

The property owners in Pompano Beach, FL area trust us with the best remediation services and this is why our number, 561-257-3332 is present on the speed dial of a large number of property owners.