Pompano Beach Restoration Expert - Flood Damage Restoration


Pompano Beach Restoration Expert Pompano Beach, FL 561-257-3332Water is present everywhere. However, it’s when it enters your home in large quantities that it causes havoc. A rainstorm or an overflowing river can cause a huge amount of water to gush through your property, entering some or all parts of it, and bringing about an immediate and massive destruction. It is a situation all property owners dread! The cause could be a rainstorm, or even a sudden outburst of a pipe. If this is what has happened to your property in Pompano Beach, FL area, one thing you can be sure about is you have the best flood damage restoration service provider in the area- Pompano Beach Restoration Expert!


Category One:

The flooding of this category is the safest for the property owner in comparison to all the remaining categories. This is because the water that causes flooding is clear of contaminants and other harmful microbes. Hence, in this scenario, only excess water is a problem you need to deal with and you do not have any substantial risk to your health. However, it should not be ignored as the standing water can not only destroy objects but can over time become contaminated by getting in contact with other objects.

  • How we handle it?

Our first priority, once we reach the location after receiving a call on 561-257-3332, is to remove objects from water and the dry out the ones that can be saved and get rid of the ones that have been damaged completely. Then we cut off the source of flood (e.g. replacing a burst pipe). After this, we pump out the excess water and work until it has been dried up.

Category Two:

When the source of water is other than a source that gives out clear water, it is considered as Category 2. The source could be a leaking washing machine, overflowing toilet or any other sources where the water is not free from microbes and other chemicals.

  • How we handle it?

The steps to handle such a scenario are not very different from the ones we carry out to handle floods of Category 1. One thing is that it becomes difficult to salvage possessions as most of them can be damaged by the action of chemicals and bacteria. The other additional step we have to carry out is sanitization of the entire area in the end.

Category Three:

This category is the most difficult to handle and also the most hazardous. Water in category three is the most contaminated. It brings in infected and unhygienic water, through sewage, in huge amounts inside your premises.

  • How we handle it?

The property requires special disinfectants and chemicals so that the bacteria and odor arising out of it can be removed effectively. The representatives from Pompano Beach Restoration Expert will only leave after the water is completely dried and the bacteria and odor are completely removed from the property.

From ‘chaos’ to ‘order’

For over 20 years, we have already helped thousands of property owners in Pompano Beach, FL area in restoring their lives and properties to normality after being hit by a flood. Regardless of the category of flood you are facing, call us on 561-257-3332 and we will give you your clean and dried home or workspace back.